Thursday, October 29, 2015

I received a great letter from a grandma of three boys that attended Harvest Happenings:
My grandchildren really enjoyed the Harvest Happenings provided by the SMASH program.

They enjoyed all the crafts they did. They especially liked the potato printing and the other thing they did with the stamp pads (sorry, I can't remember what the activity was called, but I think it was a Halloween activity).

They still have their grass pots and the faces are still in place. I really liked the Q-tip skeleletons.

Their favorite activities were the ones conducted in the gym. All of the gym games were fun to them and they were happy to have the two (maybe three, I can't remember now) karate lessons. (I should say "martial arts" lessons because it really wasn't karate, but all these forms of martial arts have all been lumped together in my mind as karate.)

Eating lunch outside and the lunch hour games were also fun for them.

All the instructors and helpers and volunteers were polite, attentive to the kids, and disciplinary (which I appreciated very much).

Thank you for the SMASH Program,
Suzanne Kofed

And thank you Mrs. Kofed for volunteering your time. We enjoyed having you there.

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